Jan 2, 2013

Opening of Portal? New experience and way of healing?? Jan 1st 2013

I had an interesting and first off experience the other day.

Before I share my experience, I need to give a little back ground info.

As a little girl, I felt very different, so much so that I went looking for an adoption certificate or at that age, a piece of paper telling me who my real parents were. My father told me I was different to the other kids and that I was special. And over the years on various spiritual courses I have been singled out and told I was special as well.

At the front of my house, I remember very clearly in a large piece of dirt, with a stick, drawing a space ship, I knew the shape and would draw all the compartments and sections inside and I would play make believe....

I have spent 17yrs working on myself emotionally and spiritually, gaining knowledge, doing courses, many past life healings etc. Getting to the core of my soul and further back to the beginning of time on several occassions. Linking my emotions to my spirituality has been my purpose or 'mission' in this life, a trail blazer, living three lifetimes in one.

Yet recently had a huge feeling of 'alone'. Now I love me and all my bits, very much, I put myself first (in an unselfish way) and it took a lot of hard work to build my confidence and love myself. Yet I had this 'alone' feeling. So I prayed and sat with it for about a week. And here my story starts....

Family issues are huge for everyone and me included. I have done every kind of therapy possible you can emotionally for so long now. And so here is what happened the other day when I lay down.

I could feel I needed rest, as the energy since the 21/12/2012 has been new and have been feeling it to my core. I lay down and closed my eyes and could feel I was there but not. I was then like transported back to when I saw myself as that little girl, drawing in the dirt with a stick.

Now, this is not inner child stuff, as have done plenty of that, this was an entirely different feeling. I was slightly raised and above the little girl, as she kept drawing. I said to her as I put my arm on her back 'you feel alone now and you will still feel this way at 47, it doesn't change'. And then I told her 'Just be you' over and over and to not worry what others say or try to fit in, just do your own thing.

I then had a feeling that I had come a full circle, like I could feel the circle going through my life and back to this point in time where I was drawing my space ship in the dirt, to where I am right now. That is the best way I can describe that feeling.

Then I was aware I was 'back' laying on my bed and I could feel circles of energy coming from my centre, in rings, expanding out from me and then they all burst, like a star had burst and they were the words that came to me 'a star bursting'.

The feeling after that was interesting, as I felt myself as that little girl, receive that message and info, (again am putting it into the best words I humanly can :-) and I could also feel myself as that being of energy that gave the message and information as well.

This was like no other meditation or dream or process I have ever experienced, this was new and huge.  In my own words the best way I can say what it felt like, was either I went back in time or I went into another dimension. And I do not share this lightly, however it is time for this to come out and is a big step for me to share this with the world as I am.

Then on fb I saw a link to Reincarnation of a Starseed, a 2min 40 sec clip, it's on my time line now. And the start of it brought tears to my eyes, as it spoke of the alone ness I was feeling and it was perfect timing for me to feel and really understand.......

The alone was the part of me that is missing my home in the stars, where I came from!!!!!! I am even teary now writing this, as cannot explain how this one feels :-)

I got a message to share this with my fellow Blue Ray's, as that is what I am. And to also lead and share with my fellow Blue Rays, what I share on my timeline with everyone else in the world, as how can I not? Share with both I was told.......

Then today, well, something again interesting happened, similar yet unique as well. Am getting that there is no need to share though:-).

I only want people to see me or read what I write, if they want to. I am not into advertising (or charging) as other people will do that. I have written this here as I asked someone would they like me to share and they asked.

Much Love, Peace and Joy


1 comment:

  1. Anastacia, this blog has really struck a chord with me :) thank you for sharing... xx kym
