Dec 28, 2012


After the energy of the 21/12/2012 – I’ve noticed some things. There are people newly awakened that want all the information out there asap or now. It's a journey in learning and experiencing the gaining of information. Enlightenment cannot be fooled, tricked or cheated – you need to tune in and experience.
I felt something would happen on the 21st but not as what we thought. I knew something would change yet at the same time I felt it would not be a major visual thing and most people wanted to physically see something as a sign. Hey, I did too.

I felt the new energy and for the whole day of the 21st I felt pure bliss. During the three days 21-23rd Dec, energy was coming in and things were different. As in the way we feel and how it has changed. I can say and share this – as I’ve been learning and preparing by doing courses, reading and gaining knowledge and experiencing 3 lifetimes in one, down to the core of my soul for many years.

And that’s where I am in touch with on a constant basis. So when energy hits our planet – I feel it at the deepest level – I then look at what it is, by stopping and tuning into my soul (as its clear from years of peeling off layers) I then feel, tune in, analyse and understand what’s going on. I feel and experience what that energy wave brought in and use the tools I've learnt. Some I have learnt off others, some I've read and some I created myself. I draw on my past experiences and I face and deal with what came up for me, at the deepest level emotionally, to the core of my soul.

As I've been doing this for so long, it enables me to see and feel where others are at and relate to my own personal experiences of what tools and methods I used (to clear, release and move through an issue) that’s worked.

To be able to do this has taken a long time. And during those 16yrs, Spirituality was not as open publicly as it is now. There have been books around for a long time about it but I could only talk to very few like minded people but mostly I had to keep things inside of me and did a lot of discovering on my own.

Yes I had many teachers provided along the way. Yet I had to form a unique combination of methods that I had to work out myself, to get through my layers by my own personal experiences. Those bits I had no teacher (as little did I know I was learning to pass this on as a teacher and guide from my own personal experiences).

And that's what makes what I do unique. I have been told more than once that I have experienced three lifetimes in one, my soul chose this 'mission' to go out into the world and teach and lead in what I do. And not from just reading a book or course, but from personal experience.

And I have learnt that my forte is linking our spirituality to our emotions. We need to rebuild our foundations from the ground up. As a lot of spiritual people have built their houses higher and higher of information, feeling they have already done their emotional work or there is no need to go there.

They did, to the level they did at that time. But now its time to go right back to the core of our soul and rebuild from there (that which I have been doing for so long). And do you know what is interesting? Those who have been awake for some time are the hardest to accept this. And that's okay as I see the bigger picture of where they are at. And I come from unconditional love, truth and honesty and I walk my talk. They will realise when their soul is ready. Those more recently awake get that bit quicker, yet they don't have the years of learning that the others do. So, its interesting for me to see this difference of where people are at.

I have also been told people don't have the time (as in years) that I spent learning from experience as we are in the quickening and in that is also they don't need to go through what I did for so long. As I can get to the core of their issue and we heal it there, at its source. And it can be very quick and is always life changing for them.

So, in sharing all that I want to say is that on the 21/12/2012 new energy did come in – it is easier to focus on the positive and the new – you just need to be more aware their HAS been a shift of energy and the new energy IS HERE. And to call on it and it will come!

And it's easier now than it was years ago and there is more information around and more people are coming out, so compared to pre the 21/12/2012 – It is here and now. We are the change and it needs to come from within. As it really does start with us – Here and Now.

Much Love, Peace and Joy


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