Jan 8, 2013

So how do we deal with the new energy?

I am a healer of the Soul.

I work from the inside out.

I come from my soul with unconditional love.

The 21/12/2012 brought in a new energy that you and I have waited many many lifetimes for.

Everything we have been through in this lifetime and others, has brought us to this very moment.

There is a lot of info around about the new energy and to come from unconditional love and all of that kind of beautiful information.

And that is great and uplifting yet at the same time, people are going through some real tough times. And at times when you are going through life and experiencing, those words or clips to watch may not be enough. We take the information in, yet inside, we are still having a hard time with where we are at and going through in life.

The reason for this, is that we now need to come from the inside out. We need to rebuild our foundations and start again. And to start again means by feeling and to the core of our souls is the key.

"The first step to this is becoming aware of what you are feeling. Following your feelings will lead you to their source. Only through emotions can you encounter the force field of your own soul." Gary Zukav, 'The seat of the Soul'.

This is for those that have been spiritually awake for many years to those recently awakened. As many people spiritualy awake are not aware of this or, are not yet ready to realise this. All is okay and as it is meant to be.

The exciting thing is, that with the new energy that came in, things are easier and quicker to deal with. (As we all have much to release from our souls core).

My message to you in this post, is one of hope and joy, peace and love.

True freedom is attainable. Yes it will take a little time, that is reality, as to be enlightened cannot be hurried, fooled or cheated. It needs to be experienced and it is about the journey and living day by day or in the now, as is so often used, myself included.

The starting point is the soul and by feeling and making a choice to wake up and join those that are already awakened. As there are more and more awakening all the time. Our numbers are growing and there are lots of groups around.

What you need to do, is to tune in and feel in your 'gut' what feels right and resonates with you. In what ever you read, watch or hear. That is then your truth and not some elses. Even what I am writing, you will feel if it resonates.

All you need to do is stop and feel.

I know there is a lot of information around and it can be a bit daunting on where to start. However you first need to make a choice in your soul by feeling it, that you do want to learn more.  And when you do, doors will open and you then need to have faith and trust and it will come.

The rest is up to you, as it is time for people to help themselves. No one else can do it for you. However, there is also help available, you just need to ask. This was a challenge for me to learn to do this, as I was so used to doing things myself for so long.

Now the time has also come for us to link up with our Spiritual Families as well. As we need each other to grow and learn as there needs to be an exchange of energy for this to happen.

Ultimately it is up to you and the time is now.

Much Love, Peace and Joy


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