Apr 15, 2012

Resurrection time

Hi everyone,

This post I am going to summarise my blogs from November 30th 2011, as they tell a story of what has been going on which leads in to where we are at now.


 Transformation  - Nov 30 2011
We need to live differently in a part of our lives.
(We were getting a heads up).

Courage during 2012 - Jan 22 2012
Our energy is all over the place. Old energies have come up to be released. How can we transform unless our energy changes and releases to let new in.
(More info and linked to transformation)

The momentum is building - Feb 2
Old energy is coming out and last place to feel is on the physical and ailments are coming up. Its bringing up fear and anger if not connected to our emotions.
(A hint on how we need to connect to our emotions)

More on current energy - Feb 8
Now being confronted with a past situation we need to deal with differently - to take our power back.
And how the energy coming in is to help us grow.
(Knowledge on the energy change and what has come up)

Breakthrough time has come - Feb 14
Each situation is different for everyone and to be aware of what is going on and accept old memories and realisations of what has happened in the past, needs to be acknowledged.
(More knowledge of what's going on - the process)

Fun and games times - Feb 17
Being faced with healing a situation from the past - being pushed very close to our limits. Will either do things differently or stay in same situation until we learn our lesson. Time to claim our power back. Push through and create what we want - make a choice in what we want to do differently.
(Further along now, we are being pushed)

Latest going on energetically - Feb 22
Reinforcing that it's time to claim our power pack from a past situation or person.
(A hint and info on where we are at)

Energy Update - Feb 27
To do with facing someone/thing from past and taking our power back and now its time to take physical action. Its been very challenging as it's from our core and very big.
(Relates to previous posts and a step further, in acting on the info)

General Overview of recent times - Mar 12
Facing deep issue inside that relates to someone very close to us - being pushed beyond known limits. Need to get to the core and to link to our emotions is the key. How I personally faced and addressed mine. People are at different levels of their re-birth (as I call it). We need to link our emotions to our spirituality to get through to deal with this.
(Linked to previous posts and further info, hint to link to our emotions)

Time to link our emotions is they key - Mar 27
Each situation is different for each person, yet similar, as being faced with taking power back (re-birth). Each situation involved having to stand up to someone very close to us. People around me who I guide,  came to a brick wall. All they had done before no longer worked. I shared they needed to link their intuition/spirituality to their emotions to get through this, to their souls core. Was able to guide each one. They were all at breaking point and did break in a way they hadn't before. With love and guidance we broke through for them - the initial breakthrough - unconditional love and acceptance and no judgement was needed. And how it rocked many people's world.
(How people did this and had to reach beyond breaking point - to break through)

Which leads us to now, what I call the Resurrection time. All those blogs I summarised follow a path and flow into each other.

Energy shifting - old out - new in - facing person/situation from the past to take our power back and do things differently - how we needed to link our emotions to our spirituality to get through this - from our core.

Transformation  - energy change - re-birth and now resurrection.

Each person I have helped guide (including myself as I'm the guinea pig and get through it and grow to then be able to help others), has done a 360 in their life, in a part of how they did something before.

Each one of us broke - and with that, broke through - reached the core of our emotions -  only when we get to our lowest or most desperate, does a breakthrough occur. And it takes courage and guts to face your deepest emotions. Ahhh but the rewards! Of getting in touch with your soul - to the core of the issue - is life changing and empowering.

We have all had an opportunity recently to face our particular issue, we all had a choice. Some made the choice and some didn't this time around.

And it has been an honour and privilege to have those people open up to me and show me their true inner selves at their lowest and most vulnerable.

Someone asked me "Now we have opened up and a link has been made to our soul, does it stay open?" I said "Now you have experienced it, it takes self monitoring to be aware now of how you are feeling in all situations, on a soul level - it is up to you to train yourself, and it takes time". That's what I have been doing for years - as I come from my core and soul in all I do - I live it and monitor myself or check in with myself and be true to me, so to speak. I come from my core and soul in my day to day life. It was a good question.

So when someone comes to me on an intuitive or spiritual level - I come from a layer deeper - the core -the origin point of an issue and that's my forte. I've lived what I speak.

The other question that was asked was what about the rest of the people in the world. Another good question. I said how I'm getting information differently and on a larger scale. If people didn't deal with or face their recent issue, they will need to face it again, until they get it. It's their souls choice when they do.

The best way I can put it is there are like waves of people waking up and being enlightened. Some will get their souls lesson this time, some the next and so on. That is why the picture I have been getting in bits has been so big and global as there are so many waves of people waking up and at different stages.

Which brings me back to now - what I call our resurrection time. Again its hit our physical bodies as the   last place to feel a shift is on the physical. That is why I have been off line. I have had to go into my cave and deal with my own ailments that came up for me, to be be released and healed. Quite big health issues came up.

Understanding is they key - knowledge is power, which leads to self empowerment. And I had to go within to seek my own answers - which I now have. I understand and am dealing with it all now. As this is how I live and what I do.

I have just come out in the last couple of days - it was a biggie - even for me.

We have got to keep going and nurture ourselves and be true to ourselves in all we do and say and most importantly, come from unconditional love.

Much Love, Peace and Joy

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  1. Wowww what an eyeopener. And yes it did have a big impact, like a sit up and take notice.

  2. Yeah it was wasnt it. And still is for people still going through it John, glad you could relate.
