May 25, 2012

The latest energy...

Hi everyone,

Well we have all been feeling the energy that the last solar moons eclipse brought with it – big time.

So much is happening for so many people. People have been feeling lost, trapped and over whelmed in their lives. From people changing jobs, marriages either splitting or more communication has been needed. The other common issue I have found that has been going on for people is a lot of inner child issues coming up.

A lot of people have been losing it and struggling and being pushed to extremes. I came back out in May and just in time as I have been dealing with a lot of people and all major issues in their lives.

Last post I wrote that a bubble of old energy came up and that’s why it’s rocked so many people. The way to cope during this time is to take a step back and come from the spiritual aspect and ride the wave through this, also to take a step of faith and trust. Ask for help and hand it over and it will come, that is where the faith and trust comes in. Now more than ever, call on your guides and angels to help you as they will.

Also know that we are manifesting much quicker as well, remember thoughts create. Monitor where your thoughts are at as that is what you will be creating for yourself. I have noticed how much quicker the pace has picked up in creating. I have also noticed how quickly people are shifting (after a cuppa and chat) compared to say 7 yrs ago. I have seen a huge difference from my side of things in what I do.

The world we live in has changed and is changing and will continue to do so, it isn’t over yet (well it’s never over as we are continuously learning, but I mean leading up to Dec 2012). I get that this recent energy change is a pre cursor to the energy change that will come in on June 5-6th with the Venus transit that will happen (I am hoping to put a bit more of that on here soon but Google it if you want more info as we will see this in Australia).

I have seen that people that are coming purely from ego and not in touch with their emotions are doing it very tough and are not coping. Hence me saying a while ago people will be checking out and in some unusual ways and they have been.

When someone is not in touch with their emotions they tend to want to control things on the outside of themselves. They will be very controlling to cope with the lack of control on the inner part of themselves. They will be coming from fear and this has amplified recently.

There are common themes and info that I pass onto those I talk with and now more than ever those on their path need to step up to the plate and it’s time to walk your talk. Time to put into action all you have learnt and read, it’s time to feel and get to the doing part. As we do this, we then help others to do the same.

It’s time to let our lights shine and not hide anymore as a lot of intuitive people and those that have felt alone and different have been hiding as the world was not ready for them but now it is. I have encouraged many people who are doing this that it is time now.

One of the other messages I have been giving is that we have waited many many lifetimes for this, it has been a long time coming, it is happening here and now, we are here and now, no more waiting to get to this point. And it is going to continue to keep going.

That is why I say, ride the wave, go with the flow as that is the way to cope. Also to talk to someone and not only that but to make a choice if you want to stay where you are or have more knowledge to start shifting from where you are in life, it is your choice. There is help out there, you just need to go looking and ask, don’t say no one told you.

Again, I don’t judge as those that are ready will do this and they have been and it takes courage to seek help, it’s not a small thing and once people do they all say how glad they are, the relief is massive.
It is an ongoing journey and we need to take little steps, bit by bit. We need to monitor ourselves all the time as well. This is a learnt thing and eventually it comes naturally.

Remember people are operating and coming from different worlds and when you talk or interact with someone; get a feel on where they are coming from. Also know that not everyone thinks and comes from the space you are as that has been something that I have said to many people. As it is easy to go and do your thing in life and forget that others don’t think like you do, well, not all. You soon find out who does come from a similar space as it feels good.

There are so many aspects, and these are the main ones at the moment that I am relaying to people personally and that is why I share here.

During these times, also remember to help and support yourself physically. As we live in a time of a lot of angry and fearful souls and we need to interact with these people and it takes its toll on us and so we need to remember to protect our energy every day. I have been saying this for years and only now are some people really feeling and getting what I mean. And that’s okay as it does take a while, as it did me too.

The difference is that it has become essential for those that are aware of what is going on and who come from love as those that don’t will want to take your energy as they are not doing the work on themselves and therefore will take your energy without you realising. That is why you may feel drained after going to a shopping centre and other places where there are a lot of people.

There is a whole other world than the one we see, there is more going on. And that is the world I have been living in for many years now and it is so good to be able to share this information with people as more people have awakened and are ready for the knowledge and info I have gained by going through so much myself and not just learning out of books.

Oh I get those that say I am off with the fairies lol and I laugh, because they don’t understand and are coming from fear, fear of the unknown. And that is very common as well. As I said to someone recently don’t be scared, you’re only scared as you need information and knowledge and to understand what is going on energetically…

“There is always a way through where ever you’re at and what you are going through”
Much Love, Peace and Joy

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