Jun 17, 2012

Getting help is out there....

A lot of people are angry and confused - mainly at themselves (deep inside) yet projecting that onto others.

And it's accelerating and wil keep doing so in waves, leading up to Dec 2012.

The energy coming in is going to the core of our soul and light is coming in and this is pushing up negative energy to allow us an opportunity to release and grow.

It is a wake up call for our souls as things are changing - as we have all noticed.

We are being slowly being split into 2 worlds. The world of ego and fear and the world of enlightenment - unconditional love. Two polarities. The path of growth is painful on all four levels, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Yet necessary to let go of our ego's and fear but it can be brief - if you seek the knowledge to help yourself.
There is more help nowadays - people understand and can help, like myself and others - are available.
I guess what one of the strongest messages my souls wants people to know is that there is help and guidance. And don't say no one told you, because it is ultimately up to you to take the 1st step.

And what is the 1st step? Hmm well it’s feeling inside you to want to know more of what is going on in the world. And that you want to live in a world of hope and love and move forward and know how to help yourself feel better.

And once you feel that real deep inside, then stop and put out that request from your ‘gut’ and feel it and ask for help. Ask God, your angels, the universe, is a good start. Then trust, sit back and wait and it will come.

It sounds simple – that’s because it is.

Much Love, Joy and Peace

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