Sep 7, 2012

July 18th

Well I have had to deal with quite a few things after my operation. Not only am I having the experience of having a full abdominal hysterectomy, I am also having the experience on a deeper spiritual and emotional level, in order to help others in the future. I would like to share that my life has changed in every way and I feel more enlightened in every sense.

I am also feeling the wave of energy that came in recently and another one came in late this afternoon. The last one rocked many people and a lot of people crashed, were suicidal and really finding it hard to deal with life, it is hitting closer to home now.

And yet I have to stay away from people as I need time to heal and rest and will be doing so for around another 4 weeks and this is allowing people to go through what they need to by themselves. Let me share that this is happening for a reason.

So hang in there and have faith and trust and most of all, listen to your gut or intuiton and feelings.

Much Love, Peace and Joy

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