Sep 7, 2012

August 23rd

When you go through a shift, the last place it is felt is on the physical. 
I have started a new life and am seeing everything with new eyes, is the best way I can put it.

 Everything I have gone through in the last year has been documented in my book so people can see what it has taken mentally,emotionally, spiritually and physically for me to feel the best I have in the last 5 years especially (I traced the start of my health declining was 21years ago) .
And all the tools and processes I utilised and how I get through all I experience that comes up to be healed and dealt with on a soul level, at the core (and beyond).
My soul chose to experience all I have, all my lessons. Just like your soul has chosen for you to be experiencing what you are.
As I wrote before, it is time to re set our boundaries, big time. And you will learn with me, that what I share is very deep and is subtle and has many layers.

Much Love, Peace and Joy

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