Sep 7, 2012

Re setting our boundaries

Someone asked me what I mean by we need to re set out boundaries, basically how come.

I said recent energy waves have come in and people that have not dealt with their emotions, are suppressing and it is bringing out their ailments physically more now and some life threatening.

Also, because they are not in touch with themselves, they dont know how to cope or deal with their lives and are projecting their frustration and anger onto others much stronger and more than say, a couple of months ago.
Therefore we need to step up our protection/involvement around these people to match the elevated level that they are taking their issues out on us.

Months ago I wrote in my blog that there will be people checking out and that it will hit us on the physical level, to give us a wake up call to pay attention and it is now physically happening more and more around me.

Our souls chose what lessons and wake up calls we need and it is up to us to discover to listen to what it is we need to change in our lives to help ourselves.

For those on track, well done and hang in there.

"Me first in an unselfish way"

Much Love, Peace and Joy

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