Nov 29, 2013

You can follow me on facebook at the group called the Blue Beyond......

Mar 10, 2013

Extract from my book the Blue Beyond..

Hi Spiritual family,
Yes it has/is a time of introspection. Very deep and old (past life) energy has come up to be purged from our soul. And we need to reconnect to a part our ourselves that has been shut away from years of hiding.
This has had to do with someone/something close to your heart, something that has needed to be faced. When I say something, I mean a calling or what you are meant to do on your souls journey that is close to your heart and soul.

We are reforming our new family is the info I was just given as writing this. I know we have been forming our spiritual families, this is different though. Sit with this info as I trust what comes
I have been through many processes over the years. And this one I have just recently come out of is beyond words as to how huge it has been. As sometimes there are no words when you experience a process of such magnitude.
It is very life changing and about being in a new space........

I have written out the main processes I went through last week to share here. And this will also be going in my book. I want to share it here so you can get a bit of an inside glimpse of what I go through and what I am about.

A little background before you read it. I have spent years and years working through layers to do with my sister and mother, this lifetime and past. I have chosen not to have anything to do with my sister and do not see her or talk to her.

I was recently invited to her 50th birthday party and my soul made a commitment that even though I do not want to talk to her, if a family occasion came up, I would be the bigger person and go. As it is not an obligation, it is an opportunity to heal and grow. As I have forgiven and thanked her soul as I chose my birth family in this lifetime.

Family is the toughest to work through emotionally as it is so close to our hearts and we cannot and are not able to NOT be close, even if we may not see them or have anything to do with them, we cannot escape the connection our souls and hearts have in this lifetime.

In my book 'the Blue Beyond' I have written a lot of what else I have been through and cleared over 17months. And this recent process is the final clearing/healing of my connection, at this level. As there are many levels.

Here is my writing and what I have experienced.:

What an interesting week. From when my nephew Rick called to say there is a surprise 50th for my sister and my mum is coming up from NSW, boy oh boy, little did I know what was I was going to experience.

I was shown in a vision that the week leading up to the party I would be being prepared and will be releasing to be able to handle going. I was shown a vision of walking up a hill and when I got to the top there was a massive ball of light that I would be walking into.

In the week prior leading up to the party, I had been having dreams and lots of little processes of releasing were constantly going on deep inside.

I had to pull my energy away from everyone, even Michael and Joey on this one as I needed all my energy going into me. This was very different from my usual pulling my energy in and can't really describe it.
Then I hit a point where I started to feel deep deep pain in my heart and soul. It gradually built up to the point my heart and soul was in so much pain, for two days I wanted to get out of my skin is how I put it.

I was coping well and wrote on the Blue Beyond that I was in a process and would be off FB for about a week as 'me first'. It took me a few days until I was actually physically ready do it though.

So this was a new experience as in the past I would be laid up in bed (having had Fibromyalgia and other ailments). However this time I am well and didn’t have to.
In the past, when I had given out so much, my health would let me know and then I would pull away and rest up. This didn't happen this time, as this was a new experience. This time I was well and could interact and help people, without getting 'sick' or burnt out. It was a conscious pulling away while feeling well.
So underneath in my soul bit by bit more stuff was coming up until I did all I could. The pain was so great, I couldn’t bear it any more. Then I had to use Thought Field Therapy - TFT - tapping, to release emotions that when you have done all the therapy and releasing you can and the pain is still trapped in your energy field or thought form around your body.
So I tapped Love pain and as I did it I could see all this black gunk thick and lots of it being released from my soul (as I see the energy being released when I tap). Then as I was at the end of the tapping, tears came and I could see my little girl (inner child) with her arms to her right out stretched....missing her sister....I was surprised and cried as this was buried so deep and didn’t know it was there.
She wouldn’t let me hold her and so I just held her hands in front as that was enough. Then straight away, up came grief. Grief for the loss of the family closeness we had in the past, all of it hit me in waves.
So that was big for me. Then I was talking to a Spiritual sister/healer and shared, she then offered to come over and do a chakra balance on me. My head was not in a space to know but my soul resonated with her words, so I said yes that would be good.
It was an hour before she could come and so I lay down. My body was buzzing all over and I was counting the minutes down basically till she came.
She lay me on my bed sidewards to the end so she could balance my chakras and then sit at my head and worked on my jaw (TMJ for 22 yrs and for past 1 ½ yrs constant aggravation and cracking and adjusting and was over it and asked for a healing earlier on that day).

She was balancing my chakras and when she came to my heart I could feel like liquid pouring in. Then she started to work on the trigger points in my jaw. She first started at my back, shoulders then neck, slowly working her way up to my jaw.

We got close to the main sore bit (as many sore bits along my jaw) right under my ear at the joint, as she released, I then had flashes of past lives one after the other of me yelling and screaming to be heard, flash after flash. I shared this with her.

Then as she got to the main area and pressed, slowly a dark mass or memory or something as I have not experienced this before and can't quite find the words to describe what I saw and felt, was coming closer. This was like a huge shadow of energy, old, coming its way towards me. I could feel it coming and had not encountered this sort of thing before and it wasn’t frightening beyond that, I went a bit numb. It was like a dust storm of dark energy coming my way and I was watching it come.

Now at this point, she knew and picked up on my energy as I couldn't say anything. Then as she was standing behind me with hands on my jaw, she leant forward and touched her forehead to mine and as she did, I surrendered in trust with reassurance as she was with me and I let go and it passed and released.

Ahh now I get I was hanging onto it or something, or I had to surrender and not hang on and control for it to pass. Just now got that I had to reach the end of hanging on to the pain in my jaw, 22 years is long enough. And 18months straight of strain (so much so that later she said it went on for so long, my ligaments in my jaw are not strong enough to hold in place so we are working on strengthening them).

So after the day of the TFT, the girl missing her sister and grieving my old 3D family life and then the healing and what came was that this was what a BLUE BEYOND day - as this name was given to me many years ago.

Next day I got up. I felt I needed to get out and have a coffee down town. I txt my spiritual sister Nik, she wasn’t available. My spritual sister that did the healing called and I said I needed to get out and have a coffee, she said she was doing bits and pieces. I could feel in my soul that I needed to ask her to come. So we organised for her to meet me in town and pick me up and go in one car to a coffee shop near the water overlooking the boats.

Meanwhile I had to go and pay my car registration before we went for coffee. I had my pensioner card for military discount as last year bought a new car. So I went in, took my card and handed it to the lady and she said, we don’t accept health cards....I said politely this is TPI you don’t get any higher than that and she said its not the right info we need....I started to feel upset....Why?

Because I was the first female in Australia to get my health card for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD from when assaulted in 1991 while serving in the Airforce, when not many females were in).

And because I was the first female, a new law was created for me in the Australian government as I was setting up something new.

Now I have had this card for 15years. And because I was the first and unique, when I first needed to use it when I went to medical appointments, time after time where ever I went I was questioned as to who was the military veteran etc. And so after a while it became stressful to keep explaining.

So, back to paying for my car registration. The lady then went to ask someone about it. I felt myself wanting to break down and lose it there and then. And then suddenly..... my PTSD came out.
It caught me unaware. I had to detach very quickly as I observed what was going on inside of me and calmed myself down, I breathed and then looked around at some posters nearby and read them to get me out of it to cope. I prayed to my angels for help big time. I actually physically took a step back from the counter to do this.

Then when she came back she was smiling and gentle and a different person and approach, phew, close one, Angels came through.

Now, in the past, I was in a Psych ward, 3 times in one year in fact back in about 1992 when I had an episode, just so you know. It was an escape and I would hide and that was what a PTSD attack did in the past, to what I can cope with now.

Now onto having the coffee - So, not thinking more of it as I am coping differently and so well nowadays, my friend came and we went for coffee. As we waited she got out her mobile and showed a text (from her sister who lives interstate) earlier that morning asking what was she doing for the day and we chuckled, as she picked up on us, as us three are close spiritual sisters.

We had a chat about family and I said how I felt I would be okay on Saturday and had dealt with as much as I could head wise. Then she shared about her family and how she would feel and think differently when with them and I said will I do the same, yes she said. Then I have been kidding myself I said and it was good as then I could feel myself finding a balance inside.

Then now I look back I could feel myself starting to slowly sink down.

As we got up to go, I rang a number on my mobile, she said are you calling my sister lol as the three of us are so connected. So I put it on speaker and she spoke and her sister was upset and could hardly talk. She asked were the kids etc. all okay, once that was established I took the phone off speaker and spoke to her myself. She was upset and right in the middle of not coping.

As she shared a bit I then asked her to close her eyes. When I do this I then visualise I am that person and called in AA Michael and got the blue sword and tip in the crown down to solar plexus and cut from 12 o’clock around, as I did this, it was quite thick and like I was peeling off a shell. Did this and cut and release and brought violet flames up. Then I put protection around which is a new method I call the God dome. Calling four angels in is not unique to me. But the dome and how I do it is.

I call in AA Raphael in front and see him there, AA Gabriel to the rear and see thick beam of energy connect from crown chakras to form an arc of energy. Then AA Uriel to the left, AA Michael to the right, then the big beam of energy from one crown chakra to the other. Then rise above and see a cross and say 'God dome of protection as above, so below' and the arcs then flow underneath as well. So then you are in a ball with two bands of light vertically and horizontally around.

The feeling is pure protection. She felt it asap and could breathe and talk and was a different person. I have been doing this lately on people and the responses are quite amazing. Each person says wow and cannot get over how good and safe and how they can feel it.

I then had to go and told her to keep bringing her strength in as could feel she could keep doing her thing now.

Then I had to go and get Joey from school. As I parked and waited, I felt like bursting into tears again and could feel I was detaching and going into a shell, similar to in the Department of motor transport but not as intense. I Called my friend and spoke to her briefly, then shed some tears to release the tip, thank God for that. As in the past when I pushed it back down, took a whole day to re come up and was more painful.

Joey had Occupational Therapy at 3.30 and I couldn’t go, just couldn’t do it. So I bravely called them and said I was not well and we couldn't make it and they were great about it, I apologised for the late notice and said to say sorry to Marga the OT.

Joey got in the car. Told him we weren’t going and he said 'oh mum, I have been looking forward to this all day' and then I started crying (first time I have done this with Joey). I said I was going through something and I can't do it today and I usually do stuff like this with him. He then said its okay mum, you usually do, its okay. He was a darling about it. I couldn’t hide this from him this time as so much I have hidden that I go through as its been quite a lot. I told him I am human too Joe and I feel things first to then help others its what I do and part of who I am.

Oh forgot to say on way to coffee, Michael rang and told him my PTSD kicked in at dept of motor transport. Now Michael knows what that meant in the past. In the past, it would be straight into bed and wouldn’t have been able to pick up Joe.

Back to Joey – We got home and I told Joey today please don’t argue this is not a day for what I am going through, don’t give me a hard time and he took it on as raised his voice and then calmed down for me.

After homework I had to get out, wanted to go to the bank and pick up my new glasses that were ready. So off I went and it allowed me to clear a little.

I came home and who came home early Michael lol. I then said I needed to go for a walk, my soul was itching to clear my head and I always always get clarity on my walks and hadn’t been for a week or so.

As I walked a little insight came, just enough for the door to open. What I got was Dead End. I could see a dead end wall right in front of my eyes. I could feel it was a dead end in a good way...the end of the emotions was all I got at that stage, that was enough for me to sit with and take on.

I came back from my walk and sat outside with Michael. As he sits back and just monitors me when I am going through a big process. And then I slowly wanted to talk, he was reading the paper and then I said I want to talk a little now, so he stopped looked at me and I said no, keep reading, I know you listen lol.

So that allowed me space to just feel and take my time to share. So I started to share about last night and how in the last vision after that darkness went through, I could see flames and how I was in London when it burnt. And how my soul just had to go to the tower of London in the nineties. And when I did the energy was so intense and pushing on me and now I know why I had to go and how I wasn't into conscious spirituality then but I knew what I felt. And so reflected on that.

I said to him I am done with any more of the past emotions to do with my sister this lifetime, my soul has had enough and cannot and will not do any more, there is no more for me to give. (In regards to all I had been through with my sister and family and the years of layer after layer of peeling and feeling and then healing. Many times suicidal in the past and took an overdose once).

Then he got up and I then picked up my mobile as got to text my friend and update her what had happened. And so my soul sent her a text which I will share here, as I keep reading it and feeling the info that came straight from my soul.

“Just sharing, I have insight now, have reached a dead end i.e. the end of the emotional traumas from the past with my sister, it is done and can't do any more this lifetime, that much I do know, this was that big, fill you in later'

I sent it and then looked at what I wrote, like for the first time. I then read it out to Michael, he put his hand out for a high 5 and I got up and we hugged and I sobbed and sobbed and he said its over, you are done, you got there. I was sobbing and saying I cant do this any more, I am done. I could see Joey inside watching us.

Then I rang my spiritual mum Elaine as had to share as she has been through so much with me and my family for so long.

She said she couldn’t do what I have in this lifetime and was so loving and supportive for the processes I had been through. And said you do know that it's time for your happiness and on Saturday you will be fine and happy. About time I said as I am due as recently I re brought joy in. As I used to be very happy many years ago as a child when I detached into my own world...ahhh more insight
Now I can have true happiness while not being detached by being 'me'......

Had dinner and then had a brief chat to my friend and shared verbally what I text to her.

Then I spoke to her sister as her son wanted to talk to Joey. As she txt me later on in the day (after the cord cut and protection) and I reassured her about something with her son.  She then text later and said he was fine now. Basically he was picking up on her energy and when we did the cut and protection, he felt it and was fine, just brilliant how it worked and how much he picks up on her. And how just that brief few minutes of the cord cutting and protection, was all she needed. But then again, she did say she was a mess for a few days and had done all she could to help herself and got to the end, desperation point and then I rang. So she was very ready and had done all she could herself.

She thanked me deeply and shared how we are so linked and how the three of us get on so well and how close her sister and I are and she said how great we help each other and she feels a part of us and I said she is lol all that good stuff. I am helping my friends sister where she is unable to as she is too close basically.

So I went to bed at about 8.30 watching all I remember as I just fell asleep.

I woke up around 3am and lay there but had to get up.

And how do I feel now? A beautiful calm and emptiness, in a great way, lighter is probably better, lighter in my soul, free...these are the words coming to describe. And I am watching the sun slowly rise.....

I just got up and went to look at it rise and the words came “A new day for the rest of my life”. Yes every day is this, yet this is the message that my soul felt energetically.

I tuned into how I could describe how I feel....calm and peace down to the bottom of my toes encompassing all my being...

After my friend did the stretching and trigger points on my back, neck and jaw, by late afternoon I was in a lot of pain. Spoke to her and she offered to come and do a massage on me to help ease the pain.

So at about 6.30pm she came over and set me up on her massage table.

My dog Cammy came and licked my right hand while lying there, then later my cat Princess rubbed up against my left hand and at the end Scruffy rubbed up into my left hand as well, amazing animals....

So, as she started I was so bruised in my tissues, she couldn't work on me. Then she stopped and did a balance/healing with her pendulum.

I then asked could she talk to my body as it was blocking her as my physical body (I have learnt over the years my body has its own mind to who it allows in for any treatment/healing) needs to give people permission to massage it.

She got what I meant and as she massaged she verbally explained how the lymphs needed to be cleared to let the blood flow and chatted on about the process. This then allowed my body to understand what was being done. Then I worked in with her, energetically. I saw little balls of light go into the areas she was massaging, this was new and different the way little balls of healing light came in. So then she was able to work on me as that 'bruising' was no longer there.

She worked on me for about 1 ½ hrs. Towards the end after I turned over, I left my body. Because I remember waking up and reconnecting when she spoke and said something to me. It took me a bit to come back from where ever I was. Then after she left, I went to bed.

I slept well until about 4am. She txt at 5.30am reminding me of something, which she has not done at that time before. I then text back. This connection had to be made for a reason, read on....

I got up and had a cup of tea. I wanted to get up and do washing etc., but didn’t want to wake up the boys. I decided to watch television in bed instead as I was wide awake but tired too.

Not long after I fell asleep. I dreamt. The dream is sketchy and in bits and it was a real dream as I was there astrally.

I was moving back into a house I had lived in once, in the late 1980's. I remember my blue ray friends were with me. There was a spirit in the house. I went walking around the house with one person and suddenly I levitated upwards, I could feel it. This has only ever happened in one other dream.

I remember being very frightened and had no protection.

Then I was walking and turned around and going out the front door were two large half human and half slug like creatures on the floor going to slide out, their eyes glowed and they were dark brown and had huge heads.

Then I saw under the house was a door with a yellow light coming out, I went in and it was another full house underneath. And in one room the walls had frames all over it, with pictures or something in them. I said Michael did this for me as he knew I would like it, or something like that.

Then I remember being outside and there was a long building down the right hand side and half of one on the left, with old fashioned half windows that were open, but it was dark inside and remember thinking I can't go and check and cleanse them all.
I woke up, still feeling frightened and very very rattled. I couldn't think or focus as I sat outside with Michael.

I shared with him my dream. He said that I had released the darkness from my soul (that I had collected in my emotions) on the other side of the veil from how ever many lifetimes.....was gone now....

And when I shared this with my friend, she said I had to experience what I did, bare soul with no protection to face it to release it.

This was the day of the Party. I received information I couldn't hide or detach. And I was shown and felt I was going back in time and the little girl was now coming out of hiding with her family and was not actually able to detach this time. And she had to use all her knowledge and experience of 47years and trust and be herself.

And so I did. I danced and laughed and was happy, for hours. I remained true to myself and kept things light.

I then had a vision of the dead end and it had cracked open and I could walk into the light....I was through......

Feb 25, 2013

Moved to new Face book Page called the Blue Beyond

I now have a facebook page called the Blue Beyond.

There I post energy updates and share more of my writings.

Much Love, Peace and Joy

Jan 8, 2013

So how do we deal with the new energy?

I am a healer of the Soul.

I work from the inside out.

I come from my soul with unconditional love.

The 21/12/2012 brought in a new energy that you and I have waited many many lifetimes for.

Everything we have been through in this lifetime and others, has brought us to this very moment.

There is a lot of info around about the new energy and to come from unconditional love and all of that kind of beautiful information.

And that is great and uplifting yet at the same time, people are going through some real tough times. And at times when you are going through life and experiencing, those words or clips to watch may not be enough. We take the information in, yet inside, we are still having a hard time with where we are at and going through in life.

The reason for this, is that we now need to come from the inside out. We need to rebuild our foundations and start again. And to start again means by feeling and to the core of our souls is the key.

"The first step to this is becoming aware of what you are feeling. Following your feelings will lead you to their source. Only through emotions can you encounter the force field of your own soul." Gary Zukav, 'The seat of the Soul'.

This is for those that have been spiritually awake for many years to those recently awakened. As many people spiritualy awake are not aware of this or, are not yet ready to realise this. All is okay and as it is meant to be.

The exciting thing is, that with the new energy that came in, things are easier and quicker to deal with. (As we all have much to release from our souls core).

My message to you in this post, is one of hope and joy, peace and love.

True freedom is attainable. Yes it will take a little time, that is reality, as to be enlightened cannot be hurried, fooled or cheated. It needs to be experienced and it is about the journey and living day by day or in the now, as is so often used, myself included.

The starting point is the soul and by feeling and making a choice to wake up and join those that are already awakened. As there are more and more awakening all the time. Our numbers are growing and there are lots of groups around.

What you need to do, is to tune in and feel in your 'gut' what feels right and resonates with you. In what ever you read, watch or hear. That is then your truth and not some elses. Even what I am writing, you will feel if it resonates.

All you need to do is stop and feel.

I know there is a lot of information around and it can be a bit daunting on where to start. However you first need to make a choice in your soul by feeling it, that you do want to learn more.  And when you do, doors will open and you then need to have faith and trust and it will come.

The rest is up to you, as it is time for people to help themselves. No one else can do it for you. However, there is also help available, you just need to ask. This was a challenge for me to learn to do this, as I was so used to doing things myself for so long.

Now the time has also come for us to link up with our Spiritual Families as well. As we need each other to grow and learn as there needs to be an exchange of energy for this to happen.

Ultimately it is up to you and the time is now.

Much Love, Peace and Joy


Jan 2, 2013

Anastacia the Oracle speaks: Opening of Portal? New experience and way of heali...

Anastacia the Oracle speaks: Opening of Portal? New experience and way of heali...: I had an interesting and first off experience the other day. Before I share my experience, I need to give a little back ground info. As ...

Opening of Portal? New experience and way of healing?? Jan 1st 2013

I had an interesting and first off experience the other day.

Before I share my experience, I need to give a little back ground info.

As a little girl, I felt very different, so much so that I went looking for an adoption certificate or at that age, a piece of paper telling me who my real parents were. My father told me I was different to the other kids and that I was special. And over the years on various spiritual courses I have been singled out and told I was special as well.

At the front of my house, I remember very clearly in a large piece of dirt, with a stick, drawing a space ship, I knew the shape and would draw all the compartments and sections inside and I would play make believe....

I have spent 17yrs working on myself emotionally and spiritually, gaining knowledge, doing courses, many past life healings etc. Getting to the core of my soul and further back to the beginning of time on several occassions. Linking my emotions to my spirituality has been my purpose or 'mission' in this life, a trail blazer, living three lifetimes in one.

Yet recently had a huge feeling of 'alone'. Now I love me and all my bits, very much, I put myself first (in an unselfish way) and it took a lot of hard work to build my confidence and love myself. Yet I had this 'alone' feeling. So I prayed and sat with it for about a week. And here my story starts....

Family issues are huge for everyone and me included. I have done every kind of therapy possible you can emotionally for so long now. And so here is what happened the other day when I lay down.

I could feel I needed rest, as the energy since the 21/12/2012 has been new and have been feeling it to my core. I lay down and closed my eyes and could feel I was there but not. I was then like transported back to when I saw myself as that little girl, drawing in the dirt with a stick.

Now, this is not inner child stuff, as have done plenty of that, this was an entirely different feeling. I was slightly raised and above the little girl, as she kept drawing. I said to her as I put my arm on her back 'you feel alone now and you will still feel this way at 47, it doesn't change'. And then I told her 'Just be you' over and over and to not worry what others say or try to fit in, just do your own thing.

I then had a feeling that I had come a full circle, like I could feel the circle going through my life and back to this point in time where I was drawing my space ship in the dirt, to where I am right now. That is the best way I can describe that feeling.

Then I was aware I was 'back' laying on my bed and I could feel circles of energy coming from my centre, in rings, expanding out from me and then they all burst, like a star had burst and they were the words that came to me 'a star bursting'.

The feeling after that was interesting, as I felt myself as that little girl, receive that message and info, (again am putting it into the best words I humanly can :-) and I could also feel myself as that being of energy that gave the message and information as well.

This was like no other meditation or dream or process I have ever experienced, this was new and huge.  In my own words the best way I can say what it felt like, was either I went back in time or I went into another dimension. And I do not share this lightly, however it is time for this to come out and is a big step for me to share this with the world as I am.

Then on fb I saw a link to Reincarnation of a Starseed, a 2min 40 sec clip, it's on my time line now. And the start of it brought tears to my eyes, as it spoke of the alone ness I was feeling and it was perfect timing for me to feel and really understand.......

The alone was the part of me that is missing my home in the stars, where I came from!!!!!! I am even teary now writing this, as cannot explain how this one feels :-)

I got a message to share this with my fellow Blue Ray's, as that is what I am. And to also lead and share with my fellow Blue Rays, what I share on my timeline with everyone else in the world, as how can I not? Share with both I was told.......

Then today, well, something again interesting happened, similar yet unique as well. Am getting that there is no need to share though:-).

I only want people to see me or read what I write, if they want to. I am not into advertising (or charging) as other people will do that. I have written this here as I asked someone would they like me to share and they asked.

Much Love, Peace and Joy


Dec 28, 2012


After the energy of the 21/12/2012 – I’ve noticed some things. There are people newly awakened that want all the information out there asap or now. It's a journey in learning and experiencing the gaining of information. Enlightenment cannot be fooled, tricked or cheated – you need to tune in and experience.
I felt something would happen on the 21st but not as what we thought. I knew something would change yet at the same time I felt it would not be a major visual thing and most people wanted to physically see something as a sign. Hey, I did too.

I felt the new energy and for the whole day of the 21st I felt pure bliss. During the three days 21-23rd Dec, energy was coming in and things were different. As in the way we feel and how it has changed. I can say and share this – as I’ve been learning and preparing by doing courses, reading and gaining knowledge and experiencing 3 lifetimes in one, down to the core of my soul for many years.

And that’s where I am in touch with on a constant basis. So when energy hits our planet – I feel it at the deepest level – I then look at what it is, by stopping and tuning into my soul (as its clear from years of peeling off layers) I then feel, tune in, analyse and understand what’s going on. I feel and experience what that energy wave brought in and use the tools I've learnt. Some I have learnt off others, some I've read and some I created myself. I draw on my past experiences and I face and deal with what came up for me, at the deepest level emotionally, to the core of my soul.

As I've been doing this for so long, it enables me to see and feel where others are at and relate to my own personal experiences of what tools and methods I used (to clear, release and move through an issue) that’s worked.

To be able to do this has taken a long time. And during those 16yrs, Spirituality was not as open publicly as it is now. There have been books around for a long time about it but I could only talk to very few like minded people but mostly I had to keep things inside of me and did a lot of discovering on my own.

Yes I had many teachers provided along the way. Yet I had to form a unique combination of methods that I had to work out myself, to get through my layers by my own personal experiences. Those bits I had no teacher (as little did I know I was learning to pass this on as a teacher and guide from my own personal experiences).

And that's what makes what I do unique. I have been told more than once that I have experienced three lifetimes in one, my soul chose this 'mission' to go out into the world and teach and lead in what I do. And not from just reading a book or course, but from personal experience.

And I have learnt that my forte is linking our spirituality to our emotions. We need to rebuild our foundations from the ground up. As a lot of spiritual people have built their houses higher and higher of information, feeling they have already done their emotional work or there is no need to go there.

They did, to the level they did at that time. But now its time to go right back to the core of our soul and rebuild from there (that which I have been doing for so long). And do you know what is interesting? Those who have been awake for some time are the hardest to accept this. And that's okay as I see the bigger picture of where they are at. And I come from unconditional love, truth and honesty and I walk my talk. They will realise when their soul is ready. Those more recently awake get that bit quicker, yet they don't have the years of learning that the others do. So, its interesting for me to see this difference of where people are at.

I have also been told people don't have the time (as in years) that I spent learning from experience as we are in the quickening and in that is also they don't need to go through what I did for so long. As I can get to the core of their issue and we heal it there, at its source. And it can be very quick and is always life changing for them.

So, in sharing all that I want to say is that on the 21/12/2012 new energy did come in – it is easier to focus on the positive and the new – you just need to be more aware their HAS been a shift of energy and the new energy IS HERE. And to call on it and it will come!

And it's easier now than it was years ago and there is more information around and more people are coming out, so compared to pre the 21/12/2012 – It is here and now. We are the change and it needs to come from within. As it really does start with us – Here and Now.

Much Love, Peace and Joy


Nov 2, 2012

The end of my blog is nigh.......

Hi all,

Well, the time has come. Lots of changes and growth have been happening.

Finally the time has come when my soul has been let know that it is time for my own website.

Also, I am just over 3/4 of the way in writing my book. And will be completed roughly in March 2013.

I dont know when my new website it will be up, it could be weeks or months as it is being built and set up. Sooner rather than later I am getting.

I will be posting brief updates of the energy situation and what is going for us all. And also posting some good links to really good sites and information.

You will also be able to comment and share whats going on for you, as I will be too :-).

So until then, keep up the faith and trust and going with the flow

Much Love, Peace and Joy

Sep 11, 2012

Last Blue Moon had two layers....

Hi everyone,

I am writing this as after talking to ppl around me, I found I was passing on the same information and when that happens, I know it's time to share on here.

The last moon we had which was a blue moon had a double layer to it. That is the best way I can put it.

Not only did it bring up one deep layer for us to deal with, it had another underneath and that is what has thrown people, without them realising. I didn't know myself until I went through it and dealt with what came up for me. (As I work on the inner emotions to their core and have been doing so for 17years now).

Also it is a new beginning. What I mean by that is (what I wrote in my last post) that it's time to set new boundaries.

We need to renew our old goals and plans as it's a new beginning in all facets of our lives.

This is affecting people in their health, work, moving etc.

Also moving those in your life that are not good for your energy or removing yourself from them.

This information is brief, but when you stop and feel the information and apply it to your life, you will feel and see it is quite a large shift we are going through.

Yet again...... lol

Much Love, Peace and Joy


Sep 7, 2012

Re setting our boundaries

Someone asked me what I mean by we need to re set out boundaries, basically how come.

I said recent energy waves have come in and people that have not dealt with their emotions, are suppressing and it is bringing out their ailments physically more now and some life threatening.

Also, because they are not in touch with themselves, they dont know how to cope or deal with their lives and are projecting their frustration and anger onto others much stronger and more than say, a couple of months ago.
Therefore we need to step up our protection/involvement around these people to match the elevated level that they are taking their issues out on us.

Months ago I wrote in my blog that there will be people checking out and that it will hit us on the physical level, to give us a wake up call to pay attention and it is now physically happening more and more around me.

Our souls chose what lessons and wake up calls we need and it is up to us to discover to listen to what it is we need to change in our lives to help ourselves.

For those on track, well done and hang in there.

"Me first in an unselfish way"

Much Love, Peace and Joy

August 23rd

When you go through a shift, the last place it is felt is on the physical. 
I have started a new life and am seeing everything with new eyes, is the best way I can put it.

 Everything I have gone through in the last year has been documented in my book so people can see what it has taken mentally,emotionally, spiritually and physically for me to feel the best I have in the last 5 years especially (I traced the start of my health declining was 21years ago) .
And all the tools and processes I utilised and how I get through all I experience that comes up to be healed and dealt with on a soul level, at the core (and beyond).
My soul chose to experience all I have, all my lessons. Just like your soul has chosen for you to be experiencing what you are.
As I wrote before, it is time to re set our boundaries, big time. And you will learn with me, that what I share is very deep and is subtle and has many layers.

Much Love, Peace and Joy
When we ask for help and guidance, we need to ask and sit back and let the universe do it's bit. Visualise the situation we are asking help for and put it in a pink bubble (love) and feel it and see it leave your body and go to a large pair of hands (Gods hands) and then see it drift off above.
Then sit back and wait for the information or answer to come - as often we will ask for help but keep going with that feeling and not hand it over - or hand it over and not pull our energy back. You will feel it go when you do it from your soul and mean it, it can't be faked - no room for ego - pure feeling.....

Am still resting up and healing nicely, just thought I would share something I wrote in my book......

August 11th

When we ask for help and guidance, we need to ask and sit back and let the universe do it's bit.

Visualise the situation we are asking help for and put it in a pink bubble (love) and feel it and see it leave your body and go to a large pair of hands (Gods hands) and then see it drift off above. 

 Then sit back and wait for the information or answer to come - as often we will ask for help but keep going with that feeling and not hand it over - or hand it over and not pull our energy back.

You will feel it go when you do it from your soul and mean it, it can't be faked - no room for ego - pure feeling.....

Am still resting up and healing nicely, just thought I would share something I wrote in my book......

Much love, peace and joy


July 18th

Well I have had to deal with quite a few things after my operation. Not only am I having the experience of having a full abdominal hysterectomy, I am also having the experience on a deeper spiritual and emotional level, in order to help others in the future. I would like to share that my life has changed in every way and I feel more enlightened in every sense.

I am also feeling the wave of energy that came in recently and another one came in late this afternoon. The last one rocked many people and a lot of people crashed, were suicidal and really finding it hard to deal with life, it is hitting closer to home now.

And yet I have to stay away from people as I need time to heal and rest and will be doing so for around another 4 weeks and this is allowing people to go through what they need to by themselves. Let me share that this is happening for a reason.

So hang in there and have faith and trust and most of all, listen to your gut or intuiton and feelings.

Much Love, Peace and Joy

Jun 17, 2012

Getting help is out there....

A lot of people are angry and confused - mainly at themselves (deep inside) yet projecting that onto others.

And it's accelerating and wil keep doing so in waves, leading up to Dec 2012.

The energy coming in is going to the core of our soul and light is coming in and this is pushing up negative energy to allow us an opportunity to release and grow.

It is a wake up call for our souls as things are changing - as we have all noticed.

We are being slowly being split into 2 worlds. The world of ego and fear and the world of enlightenment - unconditional love. Two polarities. The path of growth is painful on all four levels, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Yet necessary to let go of our ego's and fear but it can be brief - if you seek the knowledge to help yourself.
There is more help nowadays - people understand and can help, like myself and others - are available.
I guess what one of the strongest messages my souls wants people to know is that there is help and guidance. And don't say no one told you, because it is ultimately up to you to take the 1st step.

And what is the 1st step? Hmm well it’s feeling inside you to want to know more of what is going on in the world. And that you want to live in a world of hope and love and move forward and know how to help yourself feel better.

And once you feel that real deep inside, then stop and put out that request from your ‘gut’ and feel it and ask for help. Ask God, your angels, the universe, is a good start. Then trust, sit back and wait and it will come.

It sounds simple – that’s because it is.

Much Love, Joy and Peace

May 25, 2012

The latest energy...

Hi everyone,

Well we have all been feeling the energy that the last solar moons eclipse brought with it – big time.

So much is happening for so many people. People have been feeling lost, trapped and over whelmed in their lives. From people changing jobs, marriages either splitting or more communication has been needed. The other common issue I have found that has been going on for people is a lot of inner child issues coming up.

A lot of people have been losing it and struggling and being pushed to extremes. I came back out in May and just in time as I have been dealing with a lot of people and all major issues in their lives.

Last post I wrote that a bubble of old energy came up and that’s why it’s rocked so many people. The way to cope during this time is to take a step back and come from the spiritual aspect and ride the wave through this, also to take a step of faith and trust. Ask for help and hand it over and it will come, that is where the faith and trust comes in. Now more than ever, call on your guides and angels to help you as they will.

Also know that we are manifesting much quicker as well, remember thoughts create. Monitor where your thoughts are at as that is what you will be creating for yourself. I have noticed how much quicker the pace has picked up in creating. I have also noticed how quickly people are shifting (after a cuppa and chat) compared to say 7 yrs ago. I have seen a huge difference from my side of things in what I do.

The world we live in has changed and is changing and will continue to do so, it isn’t over yet (well it’s never over as we are continuously learning, but I mean leading up to Dec 2012). I get that this recent energy change is a pre cursor to the energy change that will come in on June 5-6th with the Venus transit that will happen (I am hoping to put a bit more of that on here soon but Google it if you want more info as we will see this in Australia).

I have seen that people that are coming purely from ego and not in touch with their emotions are doing it very tough and are not coping. Hence me saying a while ago people will be checking out and in some unusual ways and they have been.

When someone is not in touch with their emotions they tend to want to control things on the outside of themselves. They will be very controlling to cope with the lack of control on the inner part of themselves. They will be coming from fear and this has amplified recently.

There are common themes and info that I pass onto those I talk with and now more than ever those on their path need to step up to the plate and it’s time to walk your talk. Time to put into action all you have learnt and read, it’s time to feel and get to the doing part. As we do this, we then help others to do the same.

It’s time to let our lights shine and not hide anymore as a lot of intuitive people and those that have felt alone and different have been hiding as the world was not ready for them but now it is. I have encouraged many people who are doing this that it is time now.

One of the other messages I have been giving is that we have waited many many lifetimes for this, it has been a long time coming, it is happening here and now, we are here and now, no more waiting to get to this point. And it is going to continue to keep going.

That is why I say, ride the wave, go with the flow as that is the way to cope. Also to talk to someone and not only that but to make a choice if you want to stay where you are or have more knowledge to start shifting from where you are in life, it is your choice. There is help out there, you just need to go looking and ask, don’t say no one told you.

Again, I don’t judge as those that are ready will do this and they have been and it takes courage to seek help, it’s not a small thing and once people do they all say how glad they are, the relief is massive.
It is an ongoing journey and we need to take little steps, bit by bit. We need to monitor ourselves all the time as well. This is a learnt thing and eventually it comes naturally.

Remember people are operating and coming from different worlds and when you talk or interact with someone; get a feel on where they are coming from. Also know that not everyone thinks and comes from the space you are as that has been something that I have said to many people. As it is easy to go and do your thing in life and forget that others don’t think like you do, well, not all. You soon find out who does come from a similar space as it feels good.

There are so many aspects, and these are the main ones at the moment that I am relaying to people personally and that is why I share here.

During these times, also remember to help and support yourself physically. As we live in a time of a lot of angry and fearful souls and we need to interact with these people and it takes its toll on us and so we need to remember to protect our energy every day. I have been saying this for years and only now are some people really feeling and getting what I mean. And that’s okay as it does take a while, as it did me too.

The difference is that it has become essential for those that are aware of what is going on and who come from love as those that don’t will want to take your energy as they are not doing the work on themselves and therefore will take your energy without you realising. That is why you may feel drained after going to a shopping centre and other places where there are a lot of people.

There is a whole other world than the one we see, there is more going on. And that is the world I have been living in for many years now and it is so good to be able to share this information with people as more people have awakened and are ready for the knowledge and info I have gained by going through so much myself and not just learning out of books.

Oh I get those that say I am off with the fairies lol and I laugh, because they don’t understand and are coming from fear, fear of the unknown. And that is very common as well. As I said to someone recently don’t be scared, you’re only scared as you need information and knowledge and to understand what is going on energetically…

“There is always a way through where ever you’re at and what you are going through”
Much Love, Peace and Joy

May 18, 2012

Energy update and the world I live in and come from

Hi everyone,

The energy of the last moon let up a bubble of old energy we needed to re look at recently (see previous post)

And it hit hard and deep and was crunch time for some people with something in their lives. A lot of people came for guidance this week. The issues that came up were core deep and some were past life as well. The general theme I found was to do with issues going back to childhood. The starting point of what has transpired in their lives now, the core of the issue at hand.

We are at a point now with the energy coming in, that we need to make choices. We need to dig deep (if you want to change that is) from the inside, make a decision that you want to change the way you are living or how you are handling things in life.

A lot of people are living in fear and are afraid of feeling their emotions. That’s okay, I too did this (although many years ago). But now the energy coming in is pushing up old energy to be reviewed to allow an opportunity for us to heal and grow.

And our bodies won’t allow us to keep pushing our emotions down. Those that don’t feel will internalize and eventually this will bring about a dis-ease or ailment, as that is the body’s way of saying, ‘listen up, you need to address this emotion’.

People that are suppressing are projecting their pent up emotions on others. Hence the rise in road rage and violence and crimes etc. But do you know what? The world that those people live in, is not the world I come from.

Behind the closed doors of my home, there is love and communication and peace. Yes, at times voices are raised as we are human as we work through our issues.

Yes, I need to go out into the ‘outside world’ as I call it, but I do what I need to do and then come home. And when I go out I put protection around me and my energy. I call on my Angels and guides for protection and safety and it works.

“Be in the world but not of it”

There are others who are similar out there in the world that come from love (the heart) and then there are those that come from ego (the head). As a lot of people in the ‘outside world’ are running on ego and fear.

It is a time of where we need to keep those in our lives that we feel good around and move away from those that deplete our energy. When you do this, you will find like mind people will come into your life. 

Yes it is challenging at first when you do this, as people are projecting their negativity onto us. It takes guts to stand your ground without bringing ego’s into it, as then it becomes a competition of egos if you’re not aware and it is very easy to get sucked in. But there comes a time when you need to look after yourself - “me first in an unselfish way”. Because if you don’t, you will suffer, mentally, emotionally and physically.

But know there is another way to live life easier in this day and age and many people are already doing it and others are waking up and changing.

There is a lot of talk about spirituality and many books. They key is to not only know information you read but to feel it and then live it. Easier said than done I can tell you as to be truly honest with yourself and others takes courage.

There are a lot of ‘spiritual’ people out in the world that are coming from their head or egos. They are yet to link into their emotions and live by what they speak (or walk their talk). And that’s okay, I’m not judging as they will when they are meant to.

Which world are you going to choose to live in and come from? It is up to you to choose. I just want to let you know that there is a way to deal with life and where you are at. ‘There is always an answer and always a way through whatever you are going through in life’


Much Love, Peace and Joy

May 15, 2012

The lastest wave of energy has been a struggle

Hi everyone,

Dnding on where your soul is at, the recent energy wave that has hit us all will affect each person a little differently.

Our soul opened up and released memories/past patterns and feelings that we have needed to re feel to release, which is what has happened. Even acknowledging them has been enough for some. And it was very big and a struggle for a lot of people and still is for some.

Having the knowledge that is what is going on, can make all the difference in coping.

Again, I too went through it and it came from deep in our soul. The past week was the most intense. Those people not in touch or were not aware have reacted and that energy went out to others and not in nice ways.
I have written before that people will be checking out this year in a lot of different ways and the more I read the news and hear it, the more I see it. You can feel the momentum building, and it is all around us, all over the world.

That is why I have written previously to hang on to your seat this year as it’s going to be a ride and it will keep going. Ride the wave...

The best way you can help yourself is talk to someone that you trust. Someone that you can share what you are feeling and it will help the pressure ease and that may be enough to get you through at the moment. You need to make a choice, coming from your soul you want to help yourself, is the first step.
If you need to go deeper to deal with what you’re in, then you may need to seek more help for yourself. Remember to ask your guides and angels, they are right there with you, just waiting to help.

Most people I talk to are aware of this but don’t actually ask for help, I am gentle with them and remind them; it simple, just talk to them and ask for help, I do every day in most things I do.

It’s important when you ask to then take a step back and allow the information to come through. As what a lot of people do is ask but then keep stressing and pushing for an outcome or answer, trust me, it doesn’t work lol. Give it a try and I bet it works :-)

The main thing I want to get through is that you are not alone in what you’re feeling or going through. There are two worlds we can live in and come from. The one I live in and come from is from love and communicates and the other is from fear and negativity.

Much Love, Peace and Joy
(My blog is now on face book under Anastacia Kompos - group Anastacia the Oracle Speaks)

Apr 15, 2012

Resurrection time

Hi everyone,

This post I am going to summarise my blogs from November 30th 2011, as they tell a story of what has been going on which leads in to where we are at now.


 Transformation  - Nov 30 2011
We need to live differently in a part of our lives.
(We were getting a heads up).

Courage during 2012 - Jan 22 2012
Our energy is all over the place. Old energies have come up to be released. How can we transform unless our energy changes and releases to let new in.
(More info and linked to transformation)

The momentum is building - Feb 2
Old energy is coming out and last place to feel is on the physical and ailments are coming up. Its bringing up fear and anger if not connected to our emotions.
(A hint on how we need to connect to our emotions)

More on current energy - Feb 8
Now being confronted with a past situation we need to deal with differently - to take our power back.
And how the energy coming in is to help us grow.
(Knowledge on the energy change and what has come up)

Breakthrough time has come - Feb 14
Each situation is different for everyone and to be aware of what is going on and accept old memories and realisations of what has happened in the past, needs to be acknowledged.
(More knowledge of what's going on - the process)

Fun and games times - Feb 17
Being faced with healing a situation from the past - being pushed very close to our limits. Will either do things differently or stay in same situation until we learn our lesson. Time to claim our power back. Push through and create what we want - make a choice in what we want to do differently.
(Further along now, we are being pushed)

Latest going on energetically - Feb 22
Reinforcing that it's time to claim our power pack from a past situation or person.
(A hint and info on where we are at)

Energy Update - Feb 27
To do with facing someone/thing from past and taking our power back and now its time to take physical action. Its been very challenging as it's from our core and very big.
(Relates to previous posts and a step further, in acting on the info)

General Overview of recent times - Mar 12
Facing deep issue inside that relates to someone very close to us - being pushed beyond known limits. Need to get to the core and to link to our emotions is the key. How I personally faced and addressed mine. People are at different levels of their re-birth (as I call it). We need to link our emotions to our spirituality to get through to deal with this.
(Linked to previous posts and further info, hint to link to our emotions)

Time to link our emotions is they key - Mar 27
Each situation is different for each person, yet similar, as being faced with taking power back (re-birth). Each situation involved having to stand up to someone very close to us. People around me who I guide,  came to a brick wall. All they had done before no longer worked. I shared they needed to link their intuition/spirituality to their emotions to get through this, to their souls core. Was able to guide each one. They were all at breaking point and did break in a way they hadn't before. With love and guidance we broke through for them - the initial breakthrough - unconditional love and acceptance and no judgement was needed. And how it rocked many people's world.
(How people did this and had to reach beyond breaking point - to break through)

Which leads us to now, what I call the Resurrection time. All those blogs I summarised follow a path and flow into each other.

Energy shifting - old out - new in - facing person/situation from the past to take our power back and do things differently - how we needed to link our emotions to our spirituality to get through this - from our core.

Transformation  - energy change - re-birth and now resurrection.

Each person I have helped guide (including myself as I'm the guinea pig and get through it and grow to then be able to help others), has done a 360 in their life, in a part of how they did something before.

Each one of us broke - and with that, broke through - reached the core of our emotions -  only when we get to our lowest or most desperate, does a breakthrough occur. And it takes courage and guts to face your deepest emotions. Ahhh but the rewards! Of getting in touch with your soul - to the core of the issue - is life changing and empowering.

We have all had an opportunity recently to face our particular issue, we all had a choice. Some made the choice and some didn't this time around.

And it has been an honour and privilege to have those people open up to me and show me their true inner selves at their lowest and most vulnerable.

Someone asked me "Now we have opened up and a link has been made to our soul, does it stay open?" I said "Now you have experienced it, it takes self monitoring to be aware now of how you are feeling in all situations, on a soul level - it is up to you to train yourself, and it takes time". That's what I have been doing for years - as I come from my core and soul in all I do - I live it and monitor myself or check in with myself and be true to me, so to speak. I come from my core and soul in my day to day life. It was a good question.

So when someone comes to me on an intuitive or spiritual level - I come from a layer deeper - the core -the origin point of an issue and that's my forte. I've lived what I speak.

The other question that was asked was what about the rest of the people in the world. Another good question. I said how I'm getting information differently and on a larger scale. If people didn't deal with or face their recent issue, they will need to face it again, until they get it. It's their souls choice when they do.

The best way I can put it is there are like waves of people waking up and being enlightened. Some will get their souls lesson this time, some the next and so on. That is why the picture I have been getting in bits has been so big and global as there are so many waves of people waking up and at different stages.

Which brings me back to now - what I call our resurrection time. Again its hit our physical bodies as the   last place to feel a shift is on the physical. That is why I have been off line. I have had to go into my cave and deal with my own ailments that came up for me, to be be released and healed. Quite big health issues came up.

Understanding is they key - knowledge is power, which leads to self empowerment. And I had to go within to seek my own answers - which I now have. I understand and am dealing with it all now. As this is how I live and what I do.

I have just come out in the last couple of days - it was a biggie - even for me.

We have got to keep going and nurture ourselves and be true to ourselves in all we do and say and most importantly, come from unconditional love.

Much Love, Peace and Joy

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Mar 27, 2012

Time to link to our emotions is the key....

Lots of interesting things have been happening to people lately. And each situation has been different, yet similar. We are being faced with taking our power back (the re-birth I wrote of previously)

And it has involved a person who we are close to, that we need to learn this lesson from.

One was to do with a sister, one a son and husband, another a husband, and one a very close friend. Now each of these situations are unique to each person, but they have all involved having to stand up to these people in some way. It could be from ridding that person from their lives or setting new boundaries. And each person is at a different stage or phase in dealing with their unique situation.

A few people who are 'aware' or tuned into the spiritual side of things, came to a brick wall recently.   One person tried meditating and cleansing her energy, things she had done before that worked for her to feel better.  Another person had tried healers, counsellors, psychics, even a crystal bed but was not able to work out what to do to help herself.

When they contacted me, I was able to share that they needed to link to their emotions and come from within now, the time has come. And to take a step back and come from the spiritual side of things as well, look at the bigger picture of what is happening emotionally and energetically.

Each person has had to go very deep inside, to the core of the situation with the person. I picked up on a soul level and tuned in and passed on the information that they needed to know and in a very short time.  I helped them to find their answers as it needs to come from them for them to own it and to empower themselves, I guide.

The good news is, these people shifted and felt relieved and their energy settled right down and they are facing and dealing with their situations successfully now. There are many layers to what we are being faced with, so we do them one by one.  As I do my own one by one as well.

What I found interesting is that how each person came to a standstill basically and could go no further. And for each one, they needed to go within to link to their emotions. As I have said plenty of times, we need to link our emotions to our spirituality to become whole and balanced. Being intuitive or aware or tuned into spirituality is not enough anymore.

This re-birth has been huge and rocked many peoples worlds, including my own.

That is why it has taken longer for me to write as so many people are facing different issues and are at different phases in their process of what they are going through. And some will take quite a while as they are going at their souls pace.

And in going through this, we need time to heal and recover as the last place we feel something is on the physical.

This is very big and these are life changing times.

Much Love, Peace and Joy